للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

ملحق الرسالة (١)

أصل نص ترجمة فندر للدكتور كلينتون ..

pp ٧٦ - ٨١, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol ٢٠ No ٢, ١٩٩٦
١. ... Childhood and Education
٢. ... Missionary in Armenia
٣. ... Anglican Missionary in India
٤. ... The Debate
٥. ... Final Years
٦. ... Appraisal
٧. ... Notes
٨. ... Selected Bibliography
٩. ... Works About Pfander
١٠. ... Works by Pfander

Karl Gottlieb Pfander has been described as the "foremost champion of his age" in the assault upon "the embattled forces of the False Prophet."]١[One of his own converts, Imad-ud-Din (d. ١٩٠١), thought that Pfander had definitively demonstrated Islam's inferiority and falsehood: "We can now, I think, say that the controversy has virtually been complete . . .]that[the Christians have obtained a complete victory, while our opponents have been signally defeated."]٢[After tracing Pfander's missionary career and examining his approach to Islam, we shall briefly appraise his legacy, arguing, as Lyle L. Vander Werff has suggested, that Christian mission to Islam after Pfander has either continued, reacted against, or modified his approach. Therefore, whether one accepts or rejects that approach, Pfander's work "stands as a vital link in the formation of a Christian apology to Muslims."]٣[

Childhood and Education
Pfander was born in ١٨٠٣ in Waiblingen, Saxony, where his parents, leading members of the local pietist congregation, ran the village bakery. At twelve, Pfander entered Latin school; at sixteen, the Moravian Academy at

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