١٦- Maspero, "art in Egypt " (London ١٩٢١) .
١٧- Murra, "the splendor that was Egypt " (new york ١٩٤٩) .
١٨- Pertie "social life in ancient Egypt " (London ١٩٢٣) .
١٩- Roux, "ancient lraq" (pellcan a ٨٢٨) .
٢٠- Sags, "the greatness that was Babylon " (London ١٩٦٢) .
٢١- Schatff & mortgaat, "aegyten und vorderasien in altertum" (munich ١٩٥٠) .
٢٢- Steindorff & seele, "when Egypt ruled the east" (١٩٤٢) .
٢٣- Wilson , "the burden of Egypt " (Chicago ١٩٥١) .
٢٤- Wilson , "The Cultures of Ancient Egypt " " Chicago ١٩٥٦".
٢٥- Woolley, "the beginnings of civilization" history of mankind, Vol II new York ١٩٦٥) .
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