للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

Research Summary

This is a concise research paper، which in reality، is a blessing from Allah upon His weak slave.I've named it "The correct combination between the Uthmaani compilation and the Seven Ahruf. "

Since the first and foremost objective behind this research paper was regarding the Uthmaani compilation، mentioning it at the beginning of the research paper serves as an introduction to the discussion of the compilation of the Quran.Also، all of the different compilations of the Quran are all very much inseparable.All of this so that the one studying will be able to completely and correctly understand the stages of the revelation until the compilation during the time of Uthmaan and the consensus of the Ummah regarding that.Also how copies of that Mushaf were sent to the different cities and their inhabitants being grateful and thankful for this action by the rightly guided caliph Uthmaan، May Allah be please with him and the rest of the companions and the family of the Prophet peace be upon him.

Choosing the name "ash-Shuf'a"، which carries the meaning of compiling/ joining portion which belongs to person with the portion of another، was done to express that the different compilations of the Quran all support one another and are intertwined.And so that the different stages and types of compilations of the Quran become crystal clear to the reader.


العبد الضعيف الفقير إلى عفو ربه ومغفرته

عَرَفةُ بْنُ طَنْطَاوِيِّ

الرياض في: ٣/ ١/ ١٤٤٢ هـ

البريد: arafatantawy@hotmail.com

واتساب: ٠٠٩٦٦٥٠٣٧٢٢١٥٣

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