للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

مراجع الفصل الثالث:

Brammer, L. N., & Shostrom, E. L. "١٩٨٢" Therapeutic Psychology: Fundamentals, of counseling and Psychotherapy. "٤ th ed". Englewood Cliffs-: N. Y.: Prentice -Hall. I

Carkaff, R. R & Berense, B. G. "١٩٧٧" Beyond Co'-nseling and Therapy "٢ nd ed" New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Cormier, W. H & Cormier, L. S. "١٩٨٥" Interviewing Strategies- For helpers. "٢ nd ed" Monterey, A. Brooks/ Cole.

Egan, G. "١٩٨٢"The Skilled helper: Model, Skills, and methods for effective helping "٢ ned ed" Monterey, C. A: Brooks / Cole.

Gazda, G. M., Asbry, F. S., Balzar, F. S., Childers. W. C. & Waltars. R. P. "١٩٧٧" Human relations development, "٢ nd ed" Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Gelatt, H., Varnhorst, B., Carey, R., & Miller,G. "١٩٧٣" Decisions and autcomes: A Leaders, guide. Princeton, N. J.: College Entrance Eaminatian Board.

George, R. L. & Gristiani, T. S. "١٩٨١" Theory, methods, and processes of counseling and psychotherapy. Englewood cliffs, N. Y.: Prentice- Hall.

Johnson, D. W. "١٩٨١" Reaching out: Interpersonal effectiveness and self actualization. Englewood clifs, N. J: Prentice-Holl.

Knapp, M. L. "١٩٧٨" Nonverbal Communication in human Interaction. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Luft, J. "١٩٧٠" An Introduction to groups dynamics. Mayfield.

Passons, W. R. "١٩٧٥" Gestalt approaches in counseling New York: Halt, Rinehart & Winston.

Patterson, L. E. & Eisenberg, S. "١٩٨٣" The Counseling Process "٣ nd ed" Boston: Houghton Mifflen.

Pepinsky, H. B. & Pepinsky, P. "١٩٥٤" Counseling: Theory, and Practice. New York. Ronald Press.

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