المراجع الأجنبية:
- Nicholson. R. A Studies in Islamic Mysticism. Combridge ١٩٦١.
- Spencer Trimingham. T. The sufi Orders of Islam. Oxford ١٩٧١.
- Arberry. A.J. An Introduction to the History of Sufism. Oxford ١٩٤٢.
- Nicholson: Literary History of the Arabs.
- Macdonald: Development of Moslem Theology.
- Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam, London ١٩٥٦.
- Fazlur Rahman: Islam, London ١٩٦٦.
- Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics ١٩٠٨. the Articles: Soul-Pantheism sufis.
- Encyclopedia of Islam the New Edition the Articles: Al-Hallja-ibn-Arabi Al-Bistami-Asceticism.
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