٣٠- Strahler, A. R. "Physical Geography". John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, ١٩٥١.
٣١- Taylur. George tf. (Elemetary Meteorology) . Prtntiea Hall Inc., New York, ٢٩٥٤-
٣٢- Thornbuty, W. D. "Principles of Geomorphology" John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, ١٩٣٧.
٣٣- Thornthwaite, W. C "An Approach Toward a Balional Clasaincation of Climate", Geog. Review, Vol.
٣٨, ١٩٤٨. pp. ٥٥-٩١.
٣٤- Wooldridge, S. W. and R. S. Morgan, "Outlines of Geomorphology". Longmans, Green and Co. Inc. New York, ١٩٣٧.
٣٥- Von Engeln, ٠. D. "Geomoiphology". The Macmillan Company, New York. ١٩٤٢.
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