المراجع الأجنبية
Ali. Mulana Muhamed. The Religion of Islam, Lahore. ١٩٧١.
Ali. Sayed Ameer. The Spirit of Islam, London. Christophers. ١٩٣٥. rep ١٩٥٥. Asad. Mohamed. The Message of the Quran', London.
Baljon. j. M. s. The Reforms and Religious Ideas of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan. ٣ rd. Ed .. Lahore. Sh Muhammad Ashraf. ١٩٦٤.
Blau. Joseph ! .. Modern Varieties of Judaism, New York. Columbia Press. ١٩٦٦ Dar. Bashir Ahmed. Religious Thought of Sayyed Ahmed Khan, Lahore. Institute of Islamic Culture. ١٩٧٥.
Dorman. Hary Gaylord. Toward Understanding Islam, New York. AMS Press. ١٩٧٢.
Gibb. A. H .. Modern Trends in Islam, Beinrt. Libaririe de Linan. ١٩٧٤.
Hali. Altaf Husain. Hayt-IJaeed (a biographical account of Sir
Sayyed Khan). Trans. By K. H. Qadri and David A Matheaws. Delhi. Idarah-i-
Adabiat, ١٩٧٩.
Iqbal. Mohammad. Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam. Lahore. Ashraf Press. ١٩٥٨.
International Dictionary of Christian Church.
Jameelah Maryam. Islam and Modernism, Lahore. Mohammad Yousif Khan. ١٩٧١.
Lewis. John. The Religions of the World Made Simple. New York. Doubleday. ١٩٦٨.
Martin. Bernard. History of Judaism, New York. Basic Books. ١٩٧٤.
Methods of Missionary Work among Muslims, Cairo. Fleming H. Revell & Co .. ١٩٠٦.